Michael Dawson

I mostly make dense, vibrant paintings on paper, wood, & canvas with mixed media. They often combine expressionistic, graphic, & romantic elements that may be considered ‘outsider’ in style. Some are simple in layout & some are complex but all have an air of the confessional; they are deeply personal. My work is associative rather than direct. I gather & reach into memory & grab from life, combining colour & text to make an oblique commentary on my life & its place in the scheme of things. Historical references, culture, social commentary, abstraction & figuration are also used to create deliberate enigmas. There is no clear narrative as I filter & sample daily. What you see is a kaleidoscope of feelings. However raw the compositions, I always strive to bring poetry & aesthetics to the mix.


@busytinsnips (twitter) @busytinsnips2 (Instagram)

Click on the image or details below to go straight to the SALE website

Veni Vidi Vici — Oilstick, Mono Print, Chinagraph Pencil & Acrylic On Paper 42 cm x 59 cm, Unframed — £150 (50% donation to Macmillan)

What On Earth Costs The Earth — Acrylic & Chinagraph Pencil On Board 40 cm x 40 cm, Unframed — £250 (50% donation to Macmillan)

Cat Scratch Moon — Oilstick, Chinagraph Pencil & Crayon On Paper 30 cm x 42 cm, Unframed — £150 (50% donation to Macmillan)