Lindy Furby

I have been a lifelong lover of the outdoor landscape. I have climbed, walked, camped, skied up and down, kayaked and swam, engaging with and enjoying the landscape in physically active ways.
My artwork is just a continuation of this. I engage with the landscape this time by sitting still, looking, contemplating and finally markmaking- usually watercolour sketches. This behaviour burns the landscape into my brain in a way that taking a photograph cannot. When I return home, I revisit the sketches and transfer the images to collagraph plates and print the landscapes I have experienced. In a very real way I revisit the landscape and remember it; my artwork attaches me to the landscapes like an invisible umbilical cord.
By selling my work, I offer others who might not have the time or inclination for making art, the opportunity to revisit their favoured landscapes in their own homes; they share my experience.

Click on the image or details below to go straight to the SALE website

Up the Old Glen road — Collagraph Print 44 cm x 17 cm, Unframed, Print — £55 (50% donation to Macmillan)

Anstruther — Collagraph Print 33 cm x 23 cm, Unframed, Print — £55 (50% donation to Macmillan)

Birchwood — Collagraph Print 33 cm x 23 cm, Unframed, Print — £55 (50% donation to Macmillan)